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The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is the world authority on chemical nomenclature and terminology, including the naming of new elements in the periodic table; on standardized methods for measurement; and on atomic weights, and many other critically-evaluated data.

A neutral and objective scientific organization, IUPAC was established in 1919 by academic and industrial chemists who shared a common goal – to unite a fragmented, global chemistry community for the advancement of the chemical sciences via collaboration and the free exchange of scientific information. Throughout its long history IUPAC has fulfilled that goal through the creation of a common language and the standardization of processes and procedures.

But IUPAC is about much more than nomenclature and the naming of elements. We are a leader in the provision of objective scientific expertise for the resolution of critical global...

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Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM)

Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM), or the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry, is a statutory professional organization incorporated under the Chemists Act 1975 on 1st November 1977 and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI).

The Institute was earlier inaugurated on 8th April 1967 with 27 founding members and subsequently registered under the Societies Act 1966 on 13th October 1967.

IKM has grown in tandem with the rapid development of Malaysia to become a well-established and strong professional organization recognized both locally and internationally. Membership of IKM comes from both the manufacturing and service sectors, universities and other institutions of higher learning, research and development institutions, and government and education sectors. With membership of more than 5,700 in August 2023, IKM enjoys a prominent place among the professional scientific organization in Malaysia. The Institute is also playing a leading role in the development of chemistry in Malaysia.

We are Malaysian Institute of Chemistry


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